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  • 旅行 requests must be submitted and approved by all parties (including the Chancellor) at least three weeks before the proposed time of departure.
  • 所有大学员工, 包括和学生一起参加大学的校外公务旅行, 是否需要提交旅行申请. This includes all in-state (including New Orleans and surrounding parishes) and out-of-state conferences, 约定, 会议, 峰会, 研讨会, 培训, 游戏, 招聘会上, 等. 如果旅行是由其他组织支付的, 旅行申请仍然必须以零美元金额提交.
  • 在所有出差请求中,为每位员工附上横幅“U”号. 如适用,请附上学生证号码.
  • All supporting documentation MUST be included with each travel request – conference 住宿 site and cost, 包括费用的注册表格, 会议议程.
  • 如果您使用的是大学的CBA和/或路易斯安那州签发的旅行卡, 在旅行申请的右上方写上CBA和/或旅行卡.
  • No advance purchases for travel expenses should be incurred until the travel request has been approved by the Chancellor, 包括酒店预订和注册费.
  • 请注意, students travelling with the designated SUNO employee must sign an attendance roster confirming their participation in the travel. This roster must be submitted to the 旅行 Specialist Office immediately upon return along with other required documents.


所有的机票, 住宿, 预先批准的车辆租赁, and registration must be placed on a State of Louisiana issued travel card or the university’s CBA. Departmental invoices or university checks are not processed for any of those mentioned above. 员工也不能选择要求报销这些费用.

一旦旅行申请被批准, it is the responsibility of the traveler to communicate all needs with the appropriate parties for payment via CBA or travel card.

机票: 旅行ers are to seek airfare allowing an ample amount of lead time before the departure date. The lead time should be between 20 – 30 days in advance of travel dates to ensure the lowest fares are available. 只应围绕会议日期提出保留. 旅行者不能提前一天或几天到达,也不能提前一天或晚些时候离开. 只有证明, documented instances where the traveler should arrive a day prior or depart a day later will be approved. A 会议议程 verifying the beginning date and time as well as ending date and time must be provided. 路易斯安那州已经声明, 会议日期或时间以外的旅行被视为私人旅行, 旅行者将承担这些个人费用.

住宿: Reservations for conference 住宿 should be made early to secure rates under the conference room blocks. 如果会议酒店没有空房的话, 允许的住宿费率将恢复到PPM 49中规定的常规住宿费率. 对于需要CBA支付住宿费用的旅行者, 必须取得信用卡授权表格. 必须提交证明会议酒店和费用的文件.

租车: 租车许可必须事先获得批准. 租车只能由经批准和授权的员工驾驶. Only employees or students approved to travel on the travel request are authorized to be in the rental car. 家庭成员, 未经授权的员工, 未经授权的学生, or any additional passengers not approved on the travel authorization are prohibited from traveling in rental cars. The driver must have completed the State of Louisiana’s Defensive Driving course and have a current certificate on file. 请与设施管理部门联系以获得课程方面的帮助. 预付费燃料选择或替代汽油, 无论如何, 从租车公司是不允许的.

注册费用: 应及时提出缴纳注册费的要求. 旅行ers should not wait until online registration has closed to request their registration fee to be paid. 在所有情况下, 尽可能利用早鸟注册的优势, 避免因逾期注册而支付额外费用. 如果会议主办方不接受信用卡付款, 我们可以用大学的支票来处理注册. 申请登记费用的支票必须附有部门发票, a W-9, 登记表, 以及不接受信用卡付款的书面文件. 适用于所有付款方式, 注册信息必须反映成本, 单凭发票是不够的.



  • All claims for reimbursement shall be submitted on the State’s 旅行 Expense Form BA-12 and shall include all details provided for on the form. 不要修改这个文件. travelexpense - 2024 - 02年- 05.多克斯(生活.com)
  • 此表格必须填妥并附在部门发票上, along with the pre-approval through DocuSign within 5 business days of return from the trip. 如果学生旅行,应包括签名的学生名册.
  • 在所有情况下, 离开和返回住所的日期和时间必须显示, 连同整个旅行的每个最终目的地一起清楚地定义在表格上.
  • 餐应该被明确地标识为B, L, D -早餐, 午餐或晚餐-或1 =早餐, 2 =午餐, 3 =晚餐, 及申索实际开支金额不超过百万分之49 (ppm49 - 2023 - 07 - 01 - update3.pdf(洛杉矶.gov)). 请注意: If a meal is included in a conference schedule, it is part of the registration fee. 因此,雇员不能要求/接受额外的餐费报销.
  • 如果您的航班延误,您需要支付额外的餐费和/或停车费, documentation verifying the flight delay must be included with your reimbursement request.
  • 报销应在旅行后5个工作日内提交.
  • Original receipts must be submitted to the Comptroller’s Office for all expenses except food. 然而, all original receipts must be submitted to the Comptroller’s Office for student travel and advances, 还有签过名的学生名册.
  • Any person who submits a claim pursuant to these regulations and who willfully makes and subscribes to any claim which he/she does not believe to be true and correct as to every material matter, 或故意帮助或协助, 或促成, 就提交索赔的准备工作提供法律意见或建议, which is fraudulent or is false as to any material matter shall be guilty of official misconduct. Whoever shall receive an allowance or reimbursement by means of a false claim shall be subject to disciplinary actions as well as being criminally and civilly liable within the provisions of state law.



  • Ensure travel authorization is completed and approved at least three weeks before the departure date. All supporting documentation for the travel MUST be included – conference 住宿 site and cost, 包括费用的注册表格, 会议议程.
  • 在每次旅行申请中,员工必须注明他们的“U”号. 每次旅行申请最多只能列出4名员工.
  • 学生 traveling on behalf of the University must be accompanied by faculty or staff personnel unless written approval has been granted by the Chancellor. 请务必为每位学生注明相应的“U”号. 每个学生都必须在考勤表上签名.
  • 审核所有出差请求信息的准确性, 验证日期, 所有旅客的姓名, 等. 在旅行发生后,不能对请求进行修改.
  • 租车必须在旅行前得到批准和要求. The expense must be reflected on the travel request; also, 必须提交一份汽车申请表. 有强制性的承包商,他们必须用于租赁车辆.
  • 在付款前确认机票的日期和时间. 这将减少因更改机票预订而产生的额外费用.
  • Christopherson 旅行 is the mandatory contracted travel agency which must be used for all airfare.
  • The state’s current contract is with Park ‘N Fly for Louis Armstrong International (MSY) airport parking, 和速率, 包括所有允许和批准的税费, 等. 不会超过$8.每天50美元,59美元.每周50英镑. 虽然这种使用不是强制性的, the maximum reimbursement amount for parking at Park ‘N Fly or any other airport parking site will not exceed the Park ‘N Fly contracted rate. 必须使用促销代码0050056才能获得此合同价格. 对于在线预订,不需要其他文件即可获得此费率. 给所有“离职后再付”的员工, 国家颁发的身份证, or a valid ID with a state business card along with the tax-exempt form are required to receive the state-contracted rate. 所有停车费用都需要收据.
  • While the State of Louisiana does not recommend the usage of an employee’s personal vehicle, 如果你必须使用你的私家车, 必须在你的旅行申请上注明, and you must have completed the State of Louisiana’s Defensive Driving course and have a current certificate on file. 请与设施管理部门联系以获得课程方面的帮助. Mileage reimbursements are capped at a maximum of 99 miles and must be accompanied with a Mapquest printout and an MV-7 (Personal Vehicle Use.xls(洛杉矶.gov)形式. Personal vehicle mileage reimbursements and taxi reimbursements for local/vicinity travel (e.g.往返机场、巴士总站、火车站等.)是不允许的.

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